











2018-04-03 | 歸屬:電子元件技術網(wǎng) | 下載:0次
  • docEnabling Next Generation High-Density Power Conversion

    The drive to create Metadata(1) processing server systems plus the parallel push for increased port density and triple-play (voice / video / internet) traffic han...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:電源模塊 | 歸屬:Vicor | 下載:2次 | 大小:689K
  • docConstant Current (CC) Demonstration Board

    The Constant Current (CC) Demonstration Board described in this document shows how to use a PRM regulator as a constant current source. The CC demonstration board...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:電源模塊 | 歸屬:Vicor | 下載:1次 | 大?。?142K
  • doc配合BCM的濾波方案

    原著: Salah Ben Doua – 銷售及高級應用工程師 及 Marco Panizza – 歐洲應用工程部經(jīng)理 V·I晶片獲得空前低噪聲水平的功率轉換。這是由于使用了新穎而且專利的軟開關(ZCS/...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:Vicor | 下載:3次 | 大小:720K
  • doc應用VTM作為26-55V輸入之BCM

    原著 : David Berry – 首席應用工程師(中西部), Arthur Jordan – 高級應用工程師 電壓轉換模塊(VTM)是分比式功率架構其中之一員。這個全新之功率轉換架構將直流-直流轉 換...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:電源模塊 | 歸屬:Vicor | 下載:1次 | 大?。?65K
  • docVout_Ripple_Measurement應用指南

    This application note explains why some customers occasionally see the existence of high frequency noise spikes when measuring the output voltage ripple on a SynQ...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:2次 | 大?。?23K
  • docThermal & Reliability Study on High Current Thermal Vias & O...

    This application note addresses concerns raised with regards to pin and board heating when high currents (>60A) are driven through thermally relieved plated throu...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:1次 | 大小:384K
  • docSynQor Products and MIL-STD-461 Compliance產(chǎn)品介紹

    To better serve our customer’s needs when designing with our power converters for compliance with MIL-STD-461, SynQor has performed testing with the following Hi...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:1次 | 大?。?53K
  • docInQor_Railway 應用指南

    SynQor has developed the InQor product line for the industrial and transportation industries. These ruggedized converters are specifically designed for the harsh ...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:3次 | 大?。?32K
  • docCurrent Sharing and other Full-Feature Applications

    This application note provides detail on features available on SynQor’s full-feature half-brick dc/dc converters. The central feature discussed in detail is the ...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:2次 | 大小:258K
  • docappnt_EMI_Characteristics 應用指南

    This application note will give an overview of electromagnetic interference(EMI), the appropriate standards and regulations, how these standards and regulations r...

    2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 下載:7次 | 大?。?65K


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